Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sometimes all I can do is throw my hands up in the air and laugh. Some days when it seems like everything is going wrong I laugh, just to prove I can.
There are some nights when I lay in bed with my hands stretched in the air hoping that maybe you'll reach down and touch me. Even the slightest draft of air between my fingertips gives me hope that you do see me. Even in the middle of the night, in my dark room, I know you see me just as though I was surrounded by the brightest light.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me"
Those simple words bring me much needed comfort and peace.
Some nights, when the sky is clear, I like to look up at the stars. Just to remind myself how small I am. And it's then, when I begin to feel insignificant that I remember that there is no one else in this world like me. Out of all the blonde headed, blue eyed girls in the world, not one of them is like me.
It's when I begin to think about all these small details that I realize how wonderful and great my God is.
He has brought me through the valley and placed me on this mountain. He has never left my side, and never will. He's the only one who understands who I am and what I'm feeling.

This just blows my mind.

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